Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Do you know why Prince didn't wear purple at Coachella?

Cause Gogol Bordello stole his wardrobe!

Sunday, April 27, 2008


As a second year vet, I came to Coachella Valley Music Festival with a little clue as what to expect. And even though I was prepared in every way possible, there is always a surprise. The big surprise this year was from myself. I am regaining my independence. I am wondering on my own. I am meeting new people and exploring everything around me. I am saying goodbye to the hold-my-hand-syndrome I held last year.
These characteristics were once pronounced with me before, they have lost there place. I strike a match and allowed myself in again. I have burnt the codependency the way I have burnt pictures of ex-boyfriends. But I am wondering what will happen to me in the future. Will I maintain my independence? What will I have to lose the interdependence that I have? Is there room for people in my life that helped occupy the co-dependent stages?
Confused and strong, this is being 27.